Christian Mission Hospital Rajshahi



COB Strategic Plan and CMHR

The current strategy paper of Church of Bangladesh is for 10 years from 2021-2030. It is regarded as living document. It helps the church and its institutions/organizations to align God given unique gifts and resources while taking advantage of various opportunities. The strategy paper also helps as an effective management tool; it contributes to the church by monitoring programs, resources, time of all relevant per¬sonnel and keeping all those in the same direction.


COB Strategic Objectives And CMHR

CMHR being a health organ of Church of Bangladesh reflects the values of the church through its ministries. It supports towards spiritual enrichment and extend the kingdom of God to the unreached and it is further an approach towards sustainability of the church as indicated under the strategic objectives of COB.

COB Strategic Priorities And CMHR

As per the strategic paper Church of Bangladesh (COB) has 6 strategic priorities (focus areas). CMHR has full alignment with all these focus areas as mentioned below:

oFocus Area-1: Spiritual Sustainability:
Confirming to the God's call, CMHR serves in Rajshahi as a Christ-centered health provision, nur¬turing a deep reliance on God with stronger spiritual formation of staff and beneficiaries. Through the hospital services it is practicing evangelism in action. It has hospital based prayer cells, promoting Bible reading, fostering dialogue & fellowship for women, men and youth and increasing the participants in spiritual practice. For long the institution has been observing trustworthy stewardship. The CMHR also maintains hand-in-hand relation with local churches and church bodies/institutions under Church of Bangladesh at Rajshahi.
o Area-2: Strengthening Financial Capacity: By rational using of the hospital/church properties and utilizing available resources, CMHR is in the path of building its own financial capacity. The hospital and its staff all refrain from being luxurious, but the facility has made such provisions that it sells the tailor-made clinical services to the local needy communities and patients. The strategy by CMHR is not to make a big profit like other current commercial institutes at Rajshahi but to have cost coverage by applying very reasonable and justified rate for all its services. CMHR is always conscious that the services are within the capacity and reach of the common people. This in term is a journey towards long term financial sustainability of CMHR.
o Focus Area-3: Leadership & Human Resource Development:
The CMHR Nursing Institute has been offering nursing courses that are approved by BNMC. By that CMHR has been in a process of helping young girls and boys, mostly from underdeveloped church background, into skilled work force. CMHR hospital att the same time has been helping to develop staff and volunteers through spiritual nurturing, various skill trainings and orientations.
o Area-4: Earning Revenue From External Sources:
CMHR is being run by engaging skilled and experienced personnel at the level of pro¬gram management, under direct supervision of Board of Trustee (BOT). It has continuous and in-creasing communication with the donors, like Presbyterian Church of US (PCUSA), USPG, Methodist Church of UK, etc. PCUSA is long time supporter for the Primary Health Care Program (PHC) running under CMHR. MCC is also supporting the Nursing Institute.
o Focus Area-5: Serving And Protecting The Environment And 'Look Outwards' To Tackle Climate Changes:
About the climate issues and its consequences CMHR has been conscious all through since the beginning. Such issues are always taken care of while designing every aspect of hospital and field programmes. In respect of safety and environment friendly initiatives, CMHR programs conform to the standard of environment department of Bangladesh government, who performs annual checking and provides clearance. In addition, Rajshahi City Corporation is also involved in this issue, especially hospital waste disposal and they regularly inspect and monitor CMHR.
oFocus Area-6: Creating An Inclusive And Safe Community For All Creation.
CMHR hospital is a open source service. It is beyond boundaries of the churches. Like always, it strives for inclusive services and comprehensive health care facilities for all people irrespective of caste, creed and religions. Currently more 98% of the hospital beneficiaries are from Muslim and Hindu Background. About 20% of beneficiaries are from ethnic communities too.

CMHR alignment with SDG

Sustainable Development Goal 3 is all about “Good Health and Well Being for all” that is, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. To help attain this Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 collectively.

And here are core ingredients to ensure heath care access by all.

Component of CMH Health Program Components (targets) of SDG Goal 3 being supported
CMHR Hospital
To care compassionately for all people seeking help from CMH, and to provide hospital services of the highest possible quality and range. (Constitutional policy) 3.1 : Reduce Maternal Mortality
3.2 : End All Preventable Deaths Under 5 Years of Age
3.3: Fight Communicable Diseases
3.4: Reduce Mortality from Non-Communicable Diseases and Promote Mental Health
3.7: Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Care, Family Planning and Education
3.8: Achieve Universal Health Coverage
CMHR Nursing Institute
To train young women and men to be capable, conscientious, and compassionate nurses. (Constitutional policy) 3.1 : Reduce Maternal Mortality
3. 2 : End All Preventable Deaths Under 5 Years of Age
3.3: Fight Communicable Diseases
3.4: Reduce Mortality from Non-Communicable Diseases and Promote Mental Health
3.7: Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Care, Family Planning and Education
3.8: Achieve Universal Health Coverage
3.13: Improve Early Warning Systems for Global Health Risks

CMHR Alignment with 8th Bangladesh Five Year Plan

Again CMHR Programme and Services are all in line with the 8th five Year Plan (July 2020 to June 2025) of the government of Bangladesh, specifically contributing to the following Goals and Objectives For HPN Sector :

Goal: The goal is to ensure that all citizens enjoy health and well-being by expanding access to quality and equitable health care in a healthy environment.

Objective: The main objective is to build on existing achievement to improve equity, quality and efficiency with a view to gradually moving towards UHC and achieving the HPN related SDGs.

Again the specific Health, Population and Nutrition Targets for the 8FYP being supported by CMHR are :

Indicators Baseline and Source 8FYP Target (2025)
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) 165 (SVRS, 2019) 100
Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel 59% (MICS, 2019) 72%
Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 15 (SVRS,2019) 14
Infant mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) 21 (SVRS,2019) 18
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 28 (SVRS,2019) 27
Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15- 77.4% (MICS, 2019) 80%
49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (%)
Mortality rate attributed to NCDs (cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease) 21.6% (Health SDG Profile: Bangladesh, WHO,2019) 16.8%
Proportion of children fully vaccinated by 12 months (%) 86% (BDHS, 2017-2018) 98%
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (%) 63.4% (SVRS, 2019) 75%