Primary Health Care
The hospital provides services to the people of the urban and sub-urban communities of Rajshahi city, the surrounding village communities, as well as to patients coming from nearby districts. Christian Mission Hospital’s Primary Health Care Programme, established in 1994, provides general health education, immunization, blood pressure screening, nutritional assessment and care and breastfeeding promotion at the hospital and provides specific community-level interventions based on assessed need in selected villages in the Rajshahi region. It provides services based on the values
To care compassionately for all people seeking help from CMH, and to provide hospital services of the highest possible quality and range. (Constitutional policy)
No policy may exclude persons from receiving medical care at CMH because of their religion, caste, color, age, gender, type of disease, or medical condition, except for medical conditions that are beyond the expertise of CMH physicians or beyond the means of the institution to manage. (Constitutional policy)